
About Octan Pearl

For a whole decade, the company ” Polo Cosmetics ” has been engaged in research work and searching for the ultimate raw material in order to produce the best materials in the world for the hair and body industry.

The care products of the “Octane Pearl” brand are based on the best raw materials and are based on the basis of the pearl, known for its many properties, containing active anti-aging ingredients, minerals from the sea and keratin, injecting vitamins and multiple amino acids into the heart of the hair that nourish it, soften it, restore it and restore to her hair the shine and elasticity that disappeared during chemical operations and natural hazards.
The series includes hair care and restoration products as well as work products. The company invests many resources in developing unique and innovative products.

The formation of the pearl

The pearl itself is made of an organic material created from the secretions of certain molluscs from the oyster class, and mainly from a pearl-like series that are created as a result of the stimulus penetrating the oyster. Over time, the mollusk secretes calcite and aragonite, the main components of calcium carbonate called CACO3 in combination with a hard horn protein called CONCHIOLIN. The combination of these secretions are piled on top of each other in layers and over time create a glistening and spectacular ball of beauty, it is the pearl.
“The most important pearl oysters are those whose shells are coated on their inner side with a material called “mother of pearl” or pearl oyster”
One of the reasons why pearls are attributed healing properties depends on their chemical composition because the pearl is composed of basic amino acids found in the sea or rivers, when you take water-soluble pearl powder, these amino acids are absorbed and according to various studies, help the skin of the face, hair and body and cause a youthful appearance.

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